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Our Services

Public Education and Legal Information

The Migrant Justice Clinic offers various workshops on the different stages of the immigration and refugee process for refugee claimants, refused refugee claimants, and non-status persons, including criminalized persons who do not have citizenship, as well as for the support groups of these populations, supporting organizations, and the legal community at large.

We also offer resources on overlapping areas of the law.


Any person or organization with an interest in participating can register for free.

Upcoming Workshops

Our workshops are generally given by one of the organization’s lawyers and our psychosocial worker or community organizer.

Recours suivant le refus d’une demande d’asile

Recourses following the refusal of a refugee claim A workshop to better understand the trajectory of refugee claimants whose claims are refused: we…

Workshop Series on Criminality & Immigration

Module 1: How Criminal Convictions Can Impact Immigration Status Did you know that even a minor criminal offense can impact your immigration status in Canada?

Workshop Series on the Refugee Claim

Module 1 : Comprendre les statuts d’immigration et les étapes de la demande d’asile. Une formation pour comprendre les étapes d’une demande de statut de réfugié et les différents...
English (Canada)